
以心迎新 仁爱和谐——致全体同学的迎新倡议书

发布者:发布时间:2024年09月16日 14:04浏览次数:

Welcome Freshmen with Heart Compassion and Harmony

A Proposal on Orientation to All the Students

金色九月,又是一年迎新季,一群满怀憧憬与梦想的新同学从世界各地,怀着激动的心情,即将步入校园,成为海南医科大学的新成员。为推动2024年秋季迎新工作顺利开展,给新生提供更加周到便捷的服务,帮助新生更好  地适应大学生活,感受来自国际教育学院大家庭的热情与温暖,现面向同学们发出以下倡议:

Golden September, another year of orientation, a group of freshmen full of expectations and dreams from all over the world, will soon step into the campus with excitement, and become a new member of Hainan Medical University. In order to promote the smooth implementation of the welcome work in the autumn of 2024, provide more thoughtful and convenient services to freshmen, help freshmen better adapt to university life, and feel the warmth of the family from the School of International Education (SIE), we propose the following initiatives to the students:


Welcome Freshmen with “Heart”


Besides volunteers and student representatives in dormitory, all students are encouraged to participate in the orientation work consciously and voluntarily. Please abide by the regulations of the university, adhere to the motto of “Virtue, Rigour, Knowledge and Harmony”,take the initiative to serve and promote the smooth implementation of the orientation work with a good spirit.


Welcome Freshmen with “Sincerity”


When face the freshmen, we will offer enthusiastic, considerate, patient and meticulous service, answering all questions and requests, giving a hand as much as we can, pointing out the way, welcoming the freshmen with smiles, warming the freshmen with sincerity, informing the freshmen about the precautions to be taken when they report to the campus, ensuring the smooth handling of the procedures related to the report, and helping them to carry the baggage and familiarise themselves with the campus environment.


Welcome Freshmen with “Etiquette”

文明始于言行,文明校园在于你我。面对新生,希望大家自觉规范自身言行举止,秉持中国 “和”文化精神,做到谦恭礼让、知礼节、行礼仪;按时上课,做好表率;不在公众场合吸烟,保持宿舍卫生清洁等,自觉抵制不文明行为,坚决反对任何违反校纪校规的行为,引领新生共创文明和谐校园,让校园文明蔚然成风。

Civilisation begins with words and actions, and a civilised campus lies in ourselves. Faced with the freshmen, we hope that the students consciously regulate their own speech and behaviour, uphold the Chinese “harmony” cultural spirit, know and behave the humble and courteous etiquette. Please set a better example of on-time classes, no smoking in public, the dormitory hygiene, etc., consciously resisting uncivilized behaviour, any violation of school discipline and rules and regulations, leading the freshmen to create a civilized and harmonious campus so that the campus civilization has become a trend.


Please bear in mind the motto of the School of International Education of “Virtue, Excellence, Friendship and Harmony”, and welcome the freshmen of 2024 Grade with a generous, tolerant, enthusiastic and friendly spirit so that the freshmen, who are full of expectations, can feel relieved and united. Welcome the freshmen with heart, who are encouraged to start the new semester with vigour, and work together with us to build a better Hainan Medical University!


International Student Affairs Office

School of International Education, Hainan Medical University
